Understanding Namaste in Yoga

Understanding Namaste in Yoga
Woman resting in prayer position between poses during yoga class in studio

The term Namaste is derived from Yoga, which means “I bow to you.” This is a very common and courteous greeting salutation in India, the country where Yoga originated. The Namaste is considered as Yoga thank you too. In Yoga practice, when the class gets over, teachers and students share Namaste with each other. It is a ritual and courteous gesture that is performed to deliver mutual respect between each other. Namaste meaning is so deep that it is also connected with the spiritual perspective, which is to respect the God residing in every living being. Yoga is related to spirituality directly as all the steps of Yoga will further take a person to samadhi. 

What Is Namasté In Yoga?

What Is Namasté In Yoga?

The definition of Namaste is breakdown into ‘nama’ which means to ‘bow,’ ‘s’ means to ‘I’ and ‘te’ mean to ‘you,’ that makes a complete phrase “I bow to you.”

In India, Namasté is a Sanskrit word used for salutation, also called as Namaskar, which means “I bow to the light residing in you.” This term is used by the people of the country in their daily conversation whenever they meet people. In India, it is the habit of people to greet each other by saying Namaste wherever they meet and even to strangers on the street. These people greet each other by joining their palms and pressing at heart and slightly bow their heads down. 

In western countries, Namaste is usually used in yoga classes to share thank you and respect between the yoga instructor and students. When the class ends, the yoga teacher brings all the students to a seated position that is accompanied after the savasana. 

When all the students sit in the seated position, the yoga teacher delivers the Satsang or spiritual teachings to the students and then allows them to start doing meditation. Sometimes yoga teachers also directly order the students to begin with mediation depending on what type of Yoga they have performed. 

How To Do Namaste?

Namaste is a very easy form in which a person has to join their palms together and take them together to the heart, and bow head in front of the person you are greeting. Some also do Namaste by placing their joined hands at the third eye and bowing their heads to the person. 

This form of greeting is considered as one of deep posture to greet anyone you meet in the Yoga. In India, if the person is joining their hands and bowing without saying Namaste is considered as Namaste greeting. However, in western countries, people usually accompany posture by saying the word Namaste. 

The joined palms together bring to the heart chakra, which is done to bring out the divine love and respect the same in others. The bowing of the head and closing eyes is done to deeply feel respect for others as the divine light resides in the person you are greeting. 

Namaste is also done by the yoga teachers and students before starting their meditation, sitting as saluting the God inside. Albeit it is performed to enhance the meditation and for quick progress.   

How To Do Namaste?
Namaste! – Portrait of happy Indian girl in desert village, India

Meaning Of Anjali Mudra, the Prayer Position

As of now, we have understood the namaste meaning in Yoga, and how to do this, Namaste position is also performed before beginning the Anjali Mudra. Most people considered Namaste as the posture for praying to God. In almost every religion or people around the world, join their palms together in order to pray to God. This is a misperception that arises in the minds of people, especially in western regions, they take the Anjali mudra as the praying posture. However, it is important to understand correctly what Anjali Mudra is and the real meaning behind the namaste or namaskar posture. 

The posture is, however, related to the gesture that is used to pray in the religious practices, whether it is Hindu or Christian, but Anjali Mudra holds the different meanings for the yoga practices. 

In Sanskrit, Anjali word means to “salute” or “offer” the person standing in front of you, and Mudra means to “seal.” This means that the person in this position symbolizes gratitude, honoring, and lightens up the moment with others. 

Also, remember that Yoga is not a type of religion; it is merely a daily practice that leads to spiritual growth as well as Anjali Mudra does not mean to worship or pray to any divine power. 


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