“Shitting Toothpaste” or “Pooping Toothpaste” is a computer-generated image (CGI) of a toothpaste tube with a facial expression that appears to be strained and excreting toothpaste from its underside. This image was created in late 2016 by FOREAL and was originally used as a punchline in another image. It has since been used in memes in the years following its creation. Please note that this type of content may not be suitable for all audiences and may be considered offensive or inappropriate by some people.
What is Shitting Toothpaste, AKA Pooping Toothpaste
Shitting toothpaste is also known as pooping toothpaste. It is a CGI image used as a meme in the modern world. It is a hilarious artwork, as a face on a toothpaste appears to be suffering from constipation when the toothpaste tube is pressed to get the paste out.
Shitting Toothpaste / Pooping Toothpaste | CGI Image |
Type | MEME |
Created by | FOREAL |
Creation Year | 2016 |
Shitting Toothpaste Origin History
In late 2016, the German design studio FOREAL created and uploaded a CGI image titled “Toothpaste” that featured the “Shitting Toothpaste” character. At some point after its creation, the image was removed from FOREAL’s website. However, it was archived on the internet archive website archive.org. There are still blog posts and articles that mention FOREAL and include the “Shitting Toothpaste” character, such as an article on Adobe’s website.
In August 2019, an anonymous user on the 4chan website posted a four-panel comic in which the image in the final panel was replaced with the “Shitting Toothpaste” character. In December 2020, a Reddit user reposted a screenshot of this comic in the /r/comedyheaven subreddit, where it received many upvotes. Please note that this type of content may not be suitable for all audiences and may be considered offensive or inappropriate by some people.
On the same day that the “Shitting Toothpaste” comic was posted on Reddit, another user posted a video version of the image in the /r/okbuddyretard subreddit. This video received many upvotes in the six months following its posting.
How Shitting Toothpaste Meme Went Viral
In July 2019, a YouTube user named Iafonax uploaded a video titled “Toothpaste shit” featuring the “Shitting Toothpaste” character. This video received over 10,000 views in two years.
In September of the same year, a Reddit user posted a low-resolution version of the image in the /r/blursedimages subreddit, where it received over 1,600 upvotes in six months.
The post was later deleted. A year later, another Reddit user posted a higher-quality version of the image from the 4chan website in the /r/196 subreddit, where it received over 11,000 upvotes in six months. Please note that this type of content may not be suitable for all audiences and may be considered offensive or inappropriate by some people.
1 year ago in 2021 a YouTube channel Peternity posted about the shitting toothpaste with a title shidding toothpaste and got 113k views.
While the original comic featuring the “Shitting Toothpaste” character has been found, it is unclear who the original author is. Many Reddit users prefer the comic version with the “Shitting Toothpaste” character. For example, on December 31st, 2020, and January 3rd, 2021, Reddit users Vibe_with_Kira and real_The_Rogue posted the original version of the comic in the /r/im14andthisisdeep and /r/cringetopia subreddits, respectively.
Some commenters in these threads preferred the “Shitting Toothpaste” version of the comic. On May 25th, 2021, a Reddit user named lolman9999 made a similar comment in the /r/196 subreddit, where the post received over 19,900 upvotes in one week.
In May 2021, the “Shitting Toothpaste” character became the punchline in other images and memes online. For example, on May 26th, 2021, a Reddit user named toadipixel posted a meme in the /r/shitposting subreddit featuring the “Shitting Toothpaste” character as the punchline. This meme received 360 upvotes in six days.
Shrek Pooping Toothpaste Cap
Shrek Pooping Toothpaste Cap is a customized cap that you can put on your toothpaste tube so that when you press it , the paste comes out of Shrek’s butts.
Check out this Shrek Pooping Toothpaste Cap short video below:
Final Words
The “pooping toothpaste” or “shitting toothpaste” meme is a computer-generated image (CGI) of a toothpaste tube with a facial expression that appears to be strained and excreting toothpaste from its underside. This image has been used as a punchline in various memes and has circulated online since it was created in late 2016 by the German design studio FOREAL.
Please note that this type of content may not be suitable for all audiences and may be considered offensive or inappropriate by some people. If you have any further questions about this meme, please feel free to ask.
Shitting Toothpaste Images and Memes
These are some of the examples of the Shitting Toothpaste AKA, Pooping Toothpaste.