EU-Certified Organic and Ethically Produced: HiPP’s Commitment to Quality and Animal Welfare

Hipp Organic Baby Formula

European organic baby formulas are manufactured according to strict rules and regulations established in the EU. Every baby product that has an EU organic seal is thoroughly tested. It must be produced from 95% of organic ingredients and follow European organic standards. This ensures that European baby food products used by infants and toddlers worldwide are safe for children’s health, environmentally friendly, and of the finest quality. Responsible organic farming and biodynamic agriculture provide high-quality raw materials for the production of baby foods and ensure the animal welfare of the livestock.

European Organic Standards. What does that mean?

If baby food is certified as “organic”, it follows certain norms:

  • Untreated seeds are used in farming
  • Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are prohibited and replaced by organic fertilizers
  • Livestock is kept according to breed and species, fed natural organic fodder
  • Hormones and steroids are prohibited and antibiotics are only permitted when necessary for animal health

EU Organic Farming Standards

In the European Union, there exist strict guidelines and regulations regarding baby foods. Every step of the food supply chain – from farming to food processing to formula production and packaging – is controlled to achieve the best quality of baby products.

When baby formula is labeled “organic”, it means that such elements as artificial chemicals, hormones and steroids, dangerous fertilizers, etc are reduced to a minimum.

Organic farming and biodynamic agriculture provide high-quality raw materials for the production of baby foods and ensure the animal welfare of the livestock.

By the way, European organic baby food standards are stricter than American and are more thoroughly regulated by governments.

Must-have Ingredients for Organic Formula

Organic baby foods are created by manufacturers to be safe and healthy for infants and toddlers, they provide babies with high-quality nutrition and elements needed for a baby’s normal development.

So, when you’re choosing organic formula for your little one, look for the following ingredients it should contain:

  • Casein and whey protein
  • Lactose
  • Taurine
  • Fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6
  • Prebiotic fibers
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals

Ingredients to Avoid in Organic Formula

Best and high-quality organic baby foods should contain only healthy components that are safe for a child’s well-being. Accordingly, there are ingredients that should be avoided. For example:

  • Added sugar
  • Palm oil
  • Phytin
  • Soy (unless your child is allergic to animal proteins and gets formula based on soy protein instead – however, use specific baby food only by a pediatrician’s prescription)

Hipp Organic Baby Formula

Hipp is a leading manufacturer of European baby food products in Europe, including formula, baby snacks, and components for toddler meals. The Hipp products range is wide and diverse.

In particular, it includes hipp organic baby formula from Stage PRE to Stage 4 – certified organic baby foods that are GMO-free and free of artificial colors, preservatives, aromas, or flavor enhancers.

Instead, Hipp uses 95% of organic ingredients and enriches the formula with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids to make the composition as healthy and as close to natural breast milk as possible.

Hipp organic formulas are based on cow’s or goat’s milk, while children with animal protein allergy, lactose intolerance, or other health issues have an option of special formulas, like Anti-Reflux Special Formula, Organic Bio Combiotic Formula, Comfort Special Formula, and Hypoallergenic Combiotic Formula.

To Sum Up

European organic baby formulas adhere to strict EU regulations, ensuring safety, environmental friendliness, and high quality. Certified organic formulas follow guidelines such as using untreated seeds, organic fertilizers, and responsible livestock practices. European standards surpass those in the U.S., emphasizing the reduction of artificial elements. This is one of the reasons U.S people are choosing European baby formula.

Key ingredients in organic formulas support infant development, while harmful components like added sugar, palm oil, and soy are avoided. Leading manufacturer Hipp offers a wide range of GMO-free organic formulas, meeting diverse dietary needs with options for allergies or intolerances.


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