4 Ways To Storing Your Wine At Home

how to store wine at home

Storing wines isn’t only for bars, restaurants, or shops. It can also be for storing wine at home. Whether you’re collecting one or many wines, you need to know how to store them well. You don’t want to serve your wine that isn’t as fresh as the ones in the store. So you should be knowledgeable enough about storing wines.

Wines aren’t only store-bought; there are shops shipping wines for you to store. Over time, you’ll come to know wine delivery Ireland and also want to store your wines at home. You can store and preserve their wines when you want to serve them. 

Not only will you want to preserve the freshness of the wine you’re storing, but the taste and aroma. You’ll want to taste the wine like you only bought it today. 

There are ways you can store your wines at home that’ll still have that quality taste. Here are the ways you can store your wine at home more effectively.

How to Store Wine

Know the Right Temperature to Store Your Wine

Knowing the right temperature means it’s not too hot or cold, just the right temperature. Many factors can affect the quality of wine, and the temperature is the most important. A warm temperature to store your wine will make your wine age quickly and go bad. 

Ideally, the best temperature for storing wine is between 45 to 65 degrees. Temperatures above 70 degrees can degrade your wine, and anything too cold could dry the cork allowing oxygen inside the bottle. Here are the ideal temperatures different wines should be stored:

  • Red wine: 45°F to 65°F (7°C to 18°C)
  • White wine: around 55°F (13°C)
  • Sparkling wine: between 39°F to 43°F (4°C to 6°C)
  • Fortified wine: between 55°F to 57°F (13°C to 14°C)

In addition to this, it is important to keep your temperature consistent. Changing the wine storage temperature can expand and contract the cork, allowing air to enter the bottle. 

Store Your Wine Away from the Sun and Vibrations

The sun’s UV rays can affect the taste and smell of the wine you’re preserving. It can also degrade and age your wine prematurely. The best source of light in your wine storage is by using LEDs. So if you’re storing your wine for days, months, or years, it’s best to have an LED light or keep it in the dark. 

As for the vibrations, they can disturb the sediments in the bottle, speeding the chemical reaction that can dull the flavor of the wine. It’s best to keep your wine away from appliances or anything that can cause vibrations, like your washer, dryer, or stereo.

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Position Your Wine Horizontally

The horizontal positioning of wine keeps the liquid against the cork, which is the key to long-term storage. Positioning your wines upright causes the cork to dry out, leading to oxygen exposure and spoiling of wine. If you’re not planning on storing the wine for long terms, then keeping it upright is alright.

If you’re planning to store more than one wine, investing in a wooden rack to keep your wines horizontally would be better. Horizontal positioning of wine keeps your wines safe and maximizes the space for your bottles.

Get the Right Humidity Levels

Getting the right humidity level can affect the storage of your wine. The ideal humidity level is around 50 to 70%. High humidity can mold your wines, and lower humidity levels can dry your cork. 

If you’re concerned that the air is too dry, you can place a pan of water in the area or mist your wooden walls or rack with water.

How to Store Opened Wine Bottles

There’s nothing wrong with opening wine bottles and having a drink yourself. It’s also alright if you won’t finish the bottle since it’s better to drink moderately. But, if you open a wine bottle that you cannot finish or want to store again, you can do this to keep the wine fresh.

Reduce Oxygen Exposure by Re-corking It

Once you open a wine you won’t finish, it’s good to close it immediately by re-corking it. By re-corking it, you can reduce oxygen exposure and preserve your wine. You can also opt to buy wine stoppers before sealing them. Wine stoppers will remove excess air from the bottle. By doing this, you can keep your leftover wine fresh for another week. 

Position Your Wine Upright

With opened wine bottles, you store them by positioning them upright. By positioning the wine upright, you minimize the surface area exposed to oxygen. This process will slow the wine’s oxidation process.

Store In Your Fridge

Immediately store your wine in the fridge. Storing any wine in the fridge can help make the wine last longer. Refrigerating the wine slows down the oxidation process. Keeping your wines in the refrigerator will keep them cool and away from light.

Get Your Wine Now!

There are many ways to help if you want to store your wine at home. Knowing the right temperature helps keep your wine at the best quality. Storing it away from direct light and vibrations will keep the taste and smell of your wine. The positioning of wine also affects keeping your wine safe from spoiling. High humidity molds your wine, and lower humidity can dry the cork.

Storing opened bottles is just as important as storing unopened ones. Opened bottles must be stored in the fridge, closed immediately, and positioned upright. Knowing how to store your opened bottles can give you the same freshness of the wine from when it is still unopened.

The ways and tips for storing opened and unopened wine bottles will help preserve your wine. You can be sure that the quality, freshness, and taste will still be the same after a while.