Will Online Casinos Die Post-pandemic?

U.S. Online Gambling Market Future Prediction

Since the outbreak, we have associated casinos with real money slots online rather than going to a nearby casino. Because most services and businesses have moved online, lockdowns have impacted more than just the casino industry.

But the High Street has been struggling for years, whether it’s clothing stores, furniture stores, or bookmakers. People are getting more and more interested in convenience, so this trend was already going on before the pandemic.

Market Volume

The global online gaming and the betting market was estimated to be worth $61 billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach $114.4 billion by 2028. Several different factors have led to this number almost tripling in seven years.

It’s important to point out that these data reports are global in the first place because that’s how online gambling works—we can access websites from all over the world. The fact that gamblers come from all over the world and don’t just go to the casino in their town helps the business grow.

What Distinguishes Online Casinos From Traditional Casinos?

There are a few reasons why people like online casinos so much. 


First, they can be reached at any time and place. This was common during the lockdown when real casinos were closed, but websites kept running. However, ten years ago, it was still true: people prefer to be able to get right to the things they like and enjoy.

Beating Restrictions

Online gambling was the only option for many people because they lived where casinos were either illegal or didn’t exist. Also, going to the casino seems like a lot of work because it’s a fancy night out. Before going to bed, many people only want to play slots for 30 minutes.


Online casinos also have a big advantage over regular casinos in innovation and development. They do provide something different and better than the games they provide. Online casinos are driven by new ideas, while traditional casinos have been offering the same few classic games for at least a century. New video games come out every day. We also now have a Bitcoin casino that accepts crypto payments. 

Vast Array of Games

Aside from the sheer number of games, an online game also has interesting new features. You can set up themes, settings, characters, and story modes; play media; and make new game rules and dynamics. This makes the game more personal and lets players choose a game that interests them instead of just playing whatever is in front of them.


Internet gambling grew at a time when people were not allowed to go to casinos as much as they used to. Most countries have gotten back to normal with social distancing and tourism, so COVID-19 was only a temporary problem. But the trend toward online casinos is bigger and will last longer than that because it is based on convenience and offers a wide range of games.