Job Promotion Interview Questions

Job Promotion Interview Questions

Once you have found your dream job and started your career, the next step is to climb up the company ladder. After every period of the interval, the company opens a vertical job opportunity for the employees, giving an equal chance to every employee for a promotion. If you think now is the right time for you to make a move, then you will have to convince the employer or your boss why do want to be promoted, why you are the right person for this promotion, and how you will take the company forward. 

If you are one of the employees who is “known quantity,” you will not be asked such basic questions, but if you are one amongst the pool of several ambitious candidates, that means competition is going to be fierce.

If you are in competition with external candidates, then it will be even tougher for you to face the interview.

To prepare for the interview, you will have to understand what are the probable promotion interview questions that can be asked and how to prepare with some killer answers? You will be asked about your current roles and responsibilities and what you have to offer for the new position? In this article, we will help you prepare for the internal promotion interview questions and answers.

What is a promotion interview?

A promotion interview is organized for internal employees of the company who apply for the new position or a new role with more responsibilities within or outside of their current department. Many companies prefer that their employees should go through a similar hiring process for any position like any external candidate. Since you are a part of the company already, which can benefit you in the interview. When interviewing for a promotion, it helps the employer to a comprehensive assessment of good you are with your duties and how well you will handle the new position after being promoted.


Common job promotion interview questions and answers

It is very important to take out some time and review promotions questions and answers for success.

When preparing for a promotion interview, keep these common promotion board questions in mind. Preparation will boost your confidence.

Here is a list of some summon questions that can be asked by the interviewer:

  1. What do you like the most about your current position while working at the company?
  2. Why do you want to get promoted to a new position?
  3. Why should we choose you for this promotion?
  4. Can you tell me what you know about the position you are being considered for?
  5. What will be your reaction if you don’t get this promotion?
  6. How would your current team members describe your work?
  7. How, according to you, will this promotion affect your current work relationships?
  8. If given this promotion, what do you hope to accomplish within the next three to six months?
  9. Tell me about a time when you had to complete a task you had never done before how did you go about it?

Sample internal candidate interview questions and answers

  • What do you enjoy the most about the current position you are working at the company?

When the employer asks this question, they are trying to assess your attitude for the current position. They want to see if you have a positive attitude and what you are currently doing for the company. When answering this question, focus on positivity and conclude how the company is assisting you in your success and your current role.

  • Why do you want this promotion?

The employer wants to know your actual purpose or reason for which you applied for this promotion. That want to determine your motivation for the position and want to assess if you will stay motivated the same way after getting the promotion. When you answer, you have the opportunity here to mention how the company’s goals and values match your values.

  • Why should we choose you for this position?

The employer asks this question to make sure you are confident enough to handle this position and new responsibilities that will come along. If you do not give a satisfactory reason to make, they believe why you should be promoted, and then the chances are that you will not be considered. This question gives you the golden opportunity to mention your accomplishments and award won during the employment period in this company.

  • Can you tell me what you know about the position you are applying for?

Researching the job expectations and role will help you assist in responding to this question. This question should be answered to the best of your knowledge. Don’t makeup just anything. Ask for clarification on your duties and expectations on the new role if you do not know.

  • How would your colleagues or current team members describe your work?

The interviewer, most importantly, knows how the current team members actually describe you. To prepare for the promotion interview, try and ask your team members for their feedback. Be honest and realistic when answering this question and also remain positive.

  • What will be your reaction if you don’t get this promotion?

You should remain professional when you respond to this question. The interviewer wants to know how well do you handle rejections and if you would still like to work with the company if you do not get this promotion.

  • In what way can this promotion affect your current work relationships?

The interviewer would like to make sure that there will be no conflict with you and the team if you get promoted. This is the most important question to consider if you are applying for promotion.

  • Tell me about a time when you had to complete a task you had never done before, how did you go about it?

This question is to judge your abilities to approach challenging and new tasks. The new position may require you to do tasks that you may have never done before, and the employer wants to assess your capabilities.

  • If given this promotion, what do you plan to accomplish within the next few months?

This is a very nice question in which you can respond using your knowledge about the position and the expectation of the company. The employer asks this question to see what are your personal goals (if any) within the new role that you would want to accomplish. The answer will be different in different industries, but be specific when you give your answer.

Salary Negotiating during a Promotion

The issue of benefits and salary is always the most awkward part because we are always told that it is considered presumptuous, vulgar, and impolite to negotiate during the interview. The feeling remains the same, even during the promotion interview. In fact, it amplifies in this case. Human beings are particularly “risk-averse” and fear to lose what they already have. The hiring manager always knows this and tries their best to avoid any conversation regarding the issue of salary expectation and expects that you wouldn’t bring it either.

However, if you are one of the serious contenders of this position, then it is essential that you know how much will this position pay. In the end, the position will involve more responsibility and more work than your previous position, then why wouldn’t you expect to be remunerated properly?

Salary negotiation tips: 

  • Understand Your Worth. Go through the salary guides and understand the possible salary of different job positions. This will act as a starting point and help you to be realistic. If you do not have enough experience, then you might not receive the top end of the salary range initially.
  • Flip the Question. If the interviewer discusses the salary, you can start by saying my salary is negotiable, support the statement if they are taken by surprise. If not, then you can tell them that you need to know more about the duties and responsibilities of the new position before you commit. You can also ask the employer about the salary range that is normally set for this role. If it is below what you consider adequate, you can step aside from this promotion for now.
  • Consider the Bigger Picture. If you are not happy with the salary bum that is attached to the new position, then first consider the long term benefits before turning it down. Keep in mind that you are moving up the ladder, so even if for now, you don’t get enough money, it will eventually come to you. If not this, then you will gain experience that will leverage your future job opportunities.